Monday, March 27, 2023

The Key

The Mission
Thanks to Ulveblod and Raph, the Legion knows where to find the temple with the Dark Magi's totem. They need to destroy the totem to stop the Dark Magi's army.

Comes Elias sends out a scouting party consisting of Basilius, Ulveblod, Raph, Beast, Hephaestus, and William. Their mission: enter the temple, find the totem, and destroy it.

The Temple
Once in the temple, they are beset by snake-like humanoids. Naga!

The party makes its way through naga-infested passageways, but finds that the entrance to the lower levels is locked.

"We need to find the key." Basilius announces. 

One of the other scouts informs the party that one of the naga had a key. The others chime in. Other naga had keys as well. What were they to do?

"Gather them all," commands Basilius. "Then we'll find the one that works."

The Hunt
The Legionaries begin scouring the temple for naga. Soon, the sounds of battle echo through the stone corridors.

Our heroes are quite successful. Nagas fall by the score, and the scouts scoop up the keys. Yet the naga keep coming, this time with poisoned blades. The insidious concoctions weakens any wounded scouts. They are unable to wield both weapon and shield. Yet their unwounded companions provide cover, allowing the victims to recover and return to the fight. The unstoppable force of the Legionaries soon clears the nagas from the temple.

The Key
Now that they have all the keys, the scouts return to the lower levels. They try all the keys. As it turns out, Beast has the one that worked.

Basilius puts the key into the lock and turns, opening the portal to the lower level. What will the Legion find there?

Find out next month!

Game Note: 
I turned the game into a raffle. The naga dropped a key when they were killed. The Legionaries then collected them. Keys were numbered and each acted like a raffle ticket. We used Siri to generate a random number. Ultimately, Beast won the raffle.