Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Wresting the Rod from the Orcs

Now that we knew where the orcs were, we prepared for action and the Legion marched on their stronghold.

Parlay and Assault
Despite their attacks on us, I decided to give the orcs one more chance for negotiation. I sent a messenger forward under flag of truce to open discussions. But the orcs let loose their arrows. My messenger fell dead.

I took this as a declaration of war and called for an attack.
Gutavh used holy fire to blast open the gate, then he cast confusion on the orcs on the wall. We were able to rush in and cut the defenders down.

Note: I made up this part for narrative purposes. Due to lack of numbers, we did not get to play the assault.

The Shaman Makes a Stand
With Ulveblod, I led the first wave into the stronghold. We systematically searched for the Rod but did not find it until we reached the center of the orc's fort. There, we came across an orc shaman and his bodyguard. In his hands was the Rod.

We charged. I rushed the shaman.

The shaman threw blasts at me but I dodged. He webbed me then used the Rod to destroy my shield. Meanwhile Ulveblod met a bodyguard. The fight did not go well for him and he was forced to retreat. I found myself overwhelmed and I also withdrew.

Our Second Attempt
I received some healing from our priest and then I was back into the fray. This time, Xeno accompanied me. Again, I confronted the shaman. This time I pressed the attack so he could not use his magic. Meanwhile Xeno took the battle to the orcs. He flanked, took out a bodyguard, then attacked the shaman. Pressed from two sides, the shaman had no chance. Soon, Xeno cut down the orc and recovered the Rod. Success!

I had plans for a more epic battle, but lack of numbers made that unviable. We had to forego the castle assault. I just made up a story about how we broke into the fort.

We played the shaman's stand. Essentially, it was a one-sided kill the general scenario. The Legion needed to kill the orc shaman. The orcs just needed to defend their shaman.

Robb was the shaman; he had one bodyguard. Two legionaries attacked. I planned to allow multiple waves so that Ulveblod and Xeno had a chance to be attackers. Between waves, players could regain half of their lost hit points. Ulveblod and I lost the first wave but Xeno and I won the second. Xeno was the hero of the day with his speed that bedeviled the orcs.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Where Are the Orcs?

Previously, we learned from the oni that the Stone Claw orcs had acquired the Rod of Demon Slaying. We set sail for the shores of Scymatia, home of this tribe.

A Rude Welcome
We arrived at Scymatia and marched inland toward the stronghold of the Stone Claws. We were ambushed and repelled.
Note - this part is fiction for the purposes of setting up the story.

I decided to send out scouts to determine the location of the orc stronghold. I choose two able warriors and sent them to approach from different directions. Hopefully, at least one would make it through and find the enemy's lair.

Ulveblod's Tale
Ulveblod swung to the west and then headed into a forest. He was confronted by an orc archer. The orc let fly an arrow. Ulveblod dodged, then charged into the battle. The orc dropped his bow and pulled out a sword. The two warriors swung at each other. The clash of swords rang through the woods. Ulveblod proved too skilled, however, and soon he cut down his enemy.

No sooner was Ulveblod victorious than he heard the crash of someone running through the brush. He turned and spotted another orc heading towards him.  Ulveblod charged, slashing at the orc and then running past it. His blow wounded the orc, preventing it from pursuing.

Freed from pursuit, Ulveblod sped through the forest until he found a path. Cautiously following it, he reached a point where he could observe a fort, Orcs patrolled the ramparts. 

This had to be what the Legion was looking for. With that, Ulveblod turned for home.

Diamond's Tale
Diamond headed to the east and slipped by the forward defenses. Then, he was confronted by an orc warrior. This started a running battle that moved steadily north. Diamond's skill proved too much, however, and he ultimately cut down his foe. 

Then Diamond swung west, fighting and dodging other orcs who joined the fray. He overshot the stronghold. When he noticed that the orcs were not pursuing, he turned back. That's when he spotted the path that led to the stronghold. Diamond then rushed back to camp.

However, an orc pursued him. Diamond stopped and engaged. Soon, this orc also fell to Diamond's blade. The scout could then return safely.

What's Next
Now that we know where we are going, I shall plan an advance in force. We are ready to fight for the Rod.

Essentially, I ran this like Ring the Bell but with some twists.
  • With limited numbers, I ran this as a 2 vs. 1 scenario. The Legion had a single scout against multiple orcs.
  • Only the Legion scout can win by "ringing the bell." The orcs are merely defending.
  • The scout has 1 life with hit points based on his character while the orcs have unlimited lives with 2 hit points each.
  • After "ringing the bell" (which represents finding the enemy stronghold), the scout has to return to base to win,

Monday, February 19, 2024

O(ni) No!

After our previous defeat, the Chimera Legion prepared for a second assault against the oni.

This time, we had Brother Gustavh bless us with powerful divine magic. These blessings should protect us against the oni's magic.

The First Wave
I, Comes Elias, led the first wave into the oni's cave. The blessing was somewhat effective - the oni's freeze spell only slowed us down. Yet that was enough for it to wreak havoc on the company.

The oni used its speed to dash in and out amongst my men. It struck with spells and with a massive club. Legionaries fell or were forced to flee from the cave. We managed to get in a few telling hits, but ultimately the oni's power defeated us. The remnants of our company retreated.

Reserves to the Rescue
Ulveblod commanded the reserve. As we retreated, he led his men in a berserk charge. They chased the oni around the cave, preventing it from getting off a spell. The oni managed to dodge most attacks, but here and there, Legion blades slashed into the demon. Ultimately, it collapsed to its knees.

Ulveblod Commands the Oni
With the oni powerless, Ulveblod laid his blade on its neck and demanded the Rod of Demon Slaying. Cowed by this powerful warrior, the oni pleaded for its life. At first Ulveblod would only promise a quick end. When the oni refused to talk, Ulveblod changed tactics. He would allow the oni to flee from the region, if it told us where the Rod was.

And thus, Ulveblod extracted the tale. The oni traded the Rod to a band of orcs from Scymatia in exchange for some prisoners. We will not relate the horrid fate of those unfortunates.

So now we seek the Stone Claw orcs (for such was their name) on the shores of Scymatia.

We ended up with only two people so the battle was simply a straight up fight between us. I played the oni and Brett was Ulveblod. As the oni, I had magic as well as a great weapon.

The part about the first wave is pure fiction. I came up with it to set the stage. Figuring that an oni vs. a lone warrior was not an even match, I downgraded the oni a bit. I explained this by imagining that a prior wave of attackers had worn the oni down a bit.

Brett won by keeping the pressure on me. He chased me relentlessly, preventing me from getting off any spells. He then would get in a strike here and there. I hit him a couple of times, but was too busy trying to recite the spell incantation to mount any effective attacks. Ultimately, Brett wore me down and took me out.

Kudos to Brett for some nice roleplaying at the end, as he interrogated the oni!

For kicks, we reran the scenario with roles reversed. I took a different approach. I advanced on the oni cautiously, dodging spell balls and then dashing in to strike. This tactic also worked, and I won my bout as well.

Friday, January 26, 2024

The Oni

Tracking Sodai
Previously, we learned that an adventurer named Sodai had made off with the Rod of Demon Slaying. With a name like that, he had to be from Teikoku. We returned to our ship and headed off.

It was a difficult journey to Teikoku, but our troubles had just begun. We then had to deal with a suspicious populace, recalcitrant officials, and a language barrier. Nevertheless, we tracked Sodai to an isolated cave. On our way, the locals kept mentioning an oni, whatever that is.

Entering the Oni's Cave
We arrived at the cave and I sent in my first company. After they entered, I heard screams of horror and pain. Then most of the company came rushing out of the cave. Others were forcibly tossed out.

They told a tale of a horrific demon.

This demon used powerful magic to melt their weapons, instill fear, and even knock them about.

Apparently, physical attacks would not work.

Note: All the above is made up backstory to explain why we did not fight. In reality, I had an injury that prevented me from engaging in physical combat.

Confronting the Oni
Next, I sent in one of our priests, Gustavh, to scout out the situation and test the oni's magical abilities.

Gustavh entered the cave. The oni confronted him. Gustavh demanded to know what happened to Sodai. 

The oni pointed to bones strewn around the cave. "He is here somewhere."

Gustavh then demanded the Rod of Demon Slaying. The oni laughed at him, then spoke.

"I admire your courage, puny mortal. I could crush you like a bug, but I have a more entertaining idea. Let us have a contest, in 3 rounds. If you win 2 out of the 3, I shall reward you."

"And if I lose?" Gustavh asked.

"Then you die."

Bravely, Gustavh accepted the challenge.

The Contest
The first round of the contest was a knife-throwing challenge, using each other as targets.
  • Gustavh scored 3 hits on the oni.
  • The oni also scored three hits.
  • Going into a sudden death tie-breaker, Gustavh missed!
  • And the oni hit. The oni won the first round.
The second round was an archery contest - 5 shots at a shield about 20 paces away.
  • The oni scored 2 hits.
  • Gustavh then missed his first 3 shots.
  • Needing a hit to stay in the game, Gustavh's shot whizzed just past the oni's ear! The oni wins again!
Gustavh stoically admitted defeat and accepted his fate. But the oni was not done with him yet.

"That was enjoyable, mortal," the oni said. "I would very much like to try the last challenge, so I'll tell you what. If you win this next challenge, I will spare your life."

Mystical Mayhem
The oni challenged Gustavh to a magic duel.

"In my cave," the oni explained, "my mystical power is unlimited. But for our contest, I will limit myself to a mortal's level."

With that, the battle began in earnest. The last one standing would win!

The oni led off with a fiery blast, but Gustavh dodged. The priest replied with a bolt that wounded the oni.

Next, the oni used a web spell to hold Gustavh in place. It followed with another blast, but missed again! Meanwhile, Gustavh replied with more bolts and blasts that struck and seared his enemy.

Finally, the oni got his aim. His blast struck Gustavh. Flames licked over the priest, but he shook off the burns. His next bolt flew straight and true, striking the oni in the chest.

With that, the oni fell to its knees.

"Enough, mortal. You win. You have saved your life. Now go!"

Gustavh left the cave, returning to our company. He reported his findings to me.

The Rod must be in the cave, but how do we get past the oni? That is the dilemma we must solve.

As I mentioned above, I was nursing an injury so I could not engage in physical combat. I decided to turn the confrontation into a 3-part contest.

Throughout the game, I played the oni and Robb was Gustavh.

I believe I recorded the results of the first two contests accurately. Also, I wanted to do the magic duel so I made the proposal that Gustavh could save his life by winning it.

I don't remember all the specifics about the magic duel, so I used some artistic license. Nevertheless, I feel I got the general scene down. I definitely remember webbing Robb and then missing with a blast! My aim was horrible throughout! Ultimately, Robb wore me down and won, saving Gustavh.