Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Where Are the Orcs?

Previously, we learned from the oni that the Stone Claw orcs had acquired the Rod of Demon Slaying. We set sail for the shores of Scymatia, home of this tribe.

A Rude Welcome
We arrived at Scymatia and marched inland toward the stronghold of the Stone Claws. We were ambushed and repelled.
Note - this part is fiction for the purposes of setting up the story.

I decided to send out scouts to determine the location of the orc stronghold. I choose two able warriors and sent them to approach from different directions. Hopefully, at least one would make it through and find the enemy's lair.

Ulveblod's Tale
Ulveblod swung to the west and then headed into a forest. He was confronted by an orc archer. The orc let fly an arrow. Ulveblod dodged, then charged into the battle. The orc dropped his bow and pulled out a sword. The two warriors swung at each other. The clash of swords rang through the woods. Ulveblod proved too skilled, however, and soon he cut down his enemy.

No sooner was Ulveblod victorious than he heard the crash of someone running through the brush. He turned and spotted another orc heading towards him.  Ulveblod charged, slashing at the orc and then running past it. His blow wounded the orc, preventing it from pursuing.

Freed from pursuit, Ulveblod sped through the forest until he found a path. Cautiously following it, he reached a point where he could observe a fort, Orcs patrolled the ramparts. 

This had to be what the Legion was looking for. With that, Ulveblod turned for home.

Diamond's Tale
Diamond headed to the east and slipped by the forward defenses. Then, he was confronted by an orc warrior. This started a running battle that moved steadily north. Diamond's skill proved too much, however, and he ultimately cut down his foe. 

Then Diamond swung west, fighting and dodging other orcs who joined the fray. He overshot the stronghold. When he noticed that the orcs were not pursuing, he turned back. That's when he spotted the path that led to the stronghold. Diamond then rushed back to camp.

However, an orc pursued him. Diamond stopped and engaged. Soon, this orc also fell to Diamond's blade. The scout could then return safely.

What's Next
Now that we know where we are going, I shall plan an advance in force. We are ready to fight for the Rod.

Essentially, I ran this like Ring the Bell but with some twists.
  • With limited numbers, I ran this as a 2 vs. 1 scenario. The Legion had a single scout against multiple orcs.
  • Only the Legion scout can win by "ringing the bell." The orcs are merely defending.
  • The scout has 1 life with hit points based on his character while the orcs have unlimited lives with 2 hit points each.
  • After "ringing the bell" (which represents finding the enemy stronghold), the scout has to return to base to win,

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