With the key in their possession, the Imperial scouts can proceed into the lower level in their quest to destroy the Dark Magi's totem.
The party divides into 2 waves. The first wave includes Basilius, Beast, and Raph. Ulveblod, Hephaestus, and an unnamed cleric form the second wave.
Using the key, Basilius opens the door. Two massive ogres confront the first wave!
But more ogres enter the fray, forcing the first wave back. In response, the second wave joins the battle. The cleric uses divine power to repel one of the ogres. Ulveblod engages the other, pinning it. Hephaestus takes the opportunity to rush past the beasts and the magi. He reaches the damaged totem. With a series of blows, Hephaestus destroys the totem.
There is a burst of arcane energy. The energy recoils upon the magi, consuming him in bluish flame. The ogres go mad and flee from the room.
Unharmed by the burst, our heroes look around at each other in wonder. They retrace their steps through the temple, but all enemies are gone. When they exit the temple, they see scores of ghuls lying motionless on the ground. Other monsters are fleeing eastward!
Game Notes
Essentially, I ran a "ring-the-bell" scenario for the legionaries. They had to succeed before they ran out of lives. I ran the scenario twice, with both waves succeeding. I combined the narrative of each run-through into a single narrative.
We experimented with a rule change. We used a hit point system instead of the standard hit location system. This meant that players did not have to lose a leg or arm. They just reduced their hit points. Humans start with 3 hit points. Armor adds to their points. The legionaries also had access to healing, so they could replenish their hit points twice. The enemies all had 10 hit points.